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DrillerDB Stats

SWD Labs


Lab ID Lab Sample Date Taken Customer Well Num Owner Name PWS Bacteria Nitrates
Lab Sample Customer Owner Sample Date Results Mailed Date TG Labs Invoice
Taken Lab Received Result Bacteria Ecoli
Sample Well Client Date Time Date Time Date Time Pos Neg Pos Neg Nitrates Comments Billed n/Pump
Example: AAA23
EX: 16888

Reason for Test

Daily Logs

Date User Start Time End Time Time Off % Travel % Office # Customer Interactions

Customer Interaction

SWD/Nest/JRS Interactions

Non-Sales Tasks Completed

Next Day Agenda


Changes Synchronized Automatically


Status Priority ID # Well # Date person Client Address County Type Driller
Status ID # Date Client Well# Depth Casing Liner Water Lvl Pump Billed

Showing all pump installers with > 25 projects

eFile Search

Search all eFile data into the deep past

Work Orders


Rolodex Employee List

Find info about vendors and view their related proposals and work orders

Sorted by Last Updated

Search by Name




Business Name

Primary Contact


Location Info

Address 2:
Billing Email:



If you have a report request, please click "Report a problem" and describe the report you'd like to see. Thanks!

Export Completed Projects to Quickbooks

Exports all completed projects to a IIF file for import into Quickbooks or other accounting software

Export Projects to Excel
Open Job List

A list of all current open jobs, date stamped and ready to print

Expeditor Open Well List

Same, but filtered by expeditor

Expeditor Proposal List

Same, but filtered by expeditor

Open Work Order List

A list of all current open Work Orders, date stamped and ready to print

Ham List

This is a list of everyone who should get hams

Unsafe Lab List
Dane County List


Welcome to the admin section!

Company Management


Subscription Status:

Next Payment:

Payment Method:

User Management

Name Email Role Actions

Employee Hours

chevron_left chevron_right
Name Rig Time Travel Time Shop time Pump time Total time

Activity Log

Manage Custom Fields

Custom fields are used to add additional information to proposals and work orders. You can add as many fields as you need, and they will be available to all users.

Costs Page Fields

Custom Cost Fields:

These fields will always appear on the costs page unless archived.

Default Fields:

$/ft Casing
$/ft Drilling
$/ Cement
$/ft Quartz
$/ Seal
$/ CGSetup
$/ DShoe
$/ 4ft Screen
$/ 6ft Screen
$/ DNR Fee
$/ DC Permit
$/ Access


Welcome to the admin section!

Company Management


Subscription Status:

Next Payment:

Payment Method:

User Management

Name Email Role Actions

Employee Hours

chevron_left chevron_right
Name Rig Time Travel Time Shop time Pump time Total time

Activity Log

Manage Custom Fields

Custom fields are used to add additional information to proposals and work orders. You can add as many fields as you need, and they will be available to all users.

Costs Page Fields

Custom Cost Fields:

These fields will always appear on the costs page unless archived.

Default Fields:

$/ft Casing
$/ft Drilling
$/ Cement
$/ft Quartz
$/ Seal
$/ Cement/Grout Setup
$/ DShoe
$/ 4ft Screen
$/ 6ft Screen
$/ DNR Fee
$/ DC Permit
$/ Access

Super Admin

Company Users Projects Last Activity Actions

Inventory Management

404 Nothing Found

Maybe try another page.



Welcome to the Help Section. Here you can find resources and support for using our ERP software. If you need further assistance, please use the chat option at the bottom right of the screen.

Introduction: Learn the basics of using our ERP software, including setup and navigation.

Managing Projects

The Projects view allows you to manage, search, and filter your projects efficiently. Below are the key functionalities available in the Projects view:

  • Create, Billing, Changelog:
    • Create: Start a new project by clicking the 'Create' button.
    • Billing: Access billing information for projects.
    • Changelog: View recent changes made to the application.
  • Select by ID: Search for a project using its unique identifier.
  • Rolodex Search: Search for projects by entering the owner / builder / pump installer name.
  • Advanced Search: Use the search bar to look up projects by DNR number, well location, etc.
  • Project Status Tabs:
    • All: View all projects.
    • Proposals: Filter to see only project proposals.
    • Open: View projects that are currently active.
    • Completed: See projects that have been finished.
    • Closed: Access projects that have been closed.
  • Filter Options: Refine your project list using various filters:
    • By Employee: Filter projects by the assigned employee.
    • By Well Type: Filter by the type of well associated with the project.
    • By Drill Type: Narrow down projects by the type of drilling operation.
    • By County: Filter projects based on the county location.
    • By Priority: View projects according to their priority level.
  • Show Starred Only: Toggle this option to display only the starred projects.

Project List:

The project list provides a comprehensive view of your projects with the following columns:

  • Status: Indicates the current status of the project (e.g., Proposal, Open Job).
  • Priority: Shows the priority level of the project.
  • ID #: The unique identifier for each project.
  • Date: The date the project was created or last updated.
  • Client: The name of the client associated with the project.
  • Address: The location address of the project.
  • County: The county where the project is located.
  • Type: The type of project with drill type (e.g., Residential - Hammer).

To use the Projects view effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Project: Click on the 'Create' button to start a new project.
  2. Search for Projects: Use the search bar and filters to find specific projects quickly.
  3. View and Edit Projects: Click on a project from the list to open and edit its details.
  4. Filter Projects: Apply filters to refine your project list based on specific criteria.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to the user manual or contact our support team via the chat option.

Project Details

The Project Details page allows you to view and edit all information related to a specific project. Below are the key functionalities available on the Project Details page:

General Info

  • Project #: The unique identifier for the project.
  • Status: The current status of the project (e.g., Open Job, Proposal).
  • Priority: The priority level of the project (e.g., Medium, Low, High).
  • Well Type: The type of well associated with the project (e.g., Residential).
  • Well Categories: Indicates if the project is for a new well, replacement, or reconstruction.
  • Date: The date when the project was created

Other Info

  • Bill To: The entity responsible for billing.
  • Proposal To: The entity to whom the proposal is addressed.
  • Employee: The employee assigned to the project.
  • Driller: The driller assigned to the project.
  • Drill Type: The type of drilling operation (e.g., Mud, Hammer).
  • GPS Coordinates: The latitude and longitude of the project location.

Permits & GPS

  • DNR #: The State Department of Natural Resources number.
  • Damage Waiver Date: The date when the damage waiver was issued.
  • County Permit: The permit number issued by the county.
  • Landfill Approval #: The approval number for landfill use.
  • Diggers #: The diggers hotline confirmation number
  • Clear By: The date by which the project must be cleared.

Location & Map

  • Distance from Office: The distance and estimated travel time from the office to the project location.
  • Map View: A map showing the project location with options to switch between map and satellite views.

Well Location

  • Address: The full address of the project location.
  • County: The county where the project is located.
  • City, State, Zip: The city, state, and zip code of the project location.
  • Other Location Details: Includes fields for township, section, range, lot number, and intersection distance.

Owner, Builder, Pump Installer

  • Owner Info: Details about the project owner, including name, business name, address, contact information, and email.
  • Builder, Realtor, Contractor Info: Details about the builder, realtor, or contractor associated with the project, including name, business name, address, contact information, and email.
  • Pump Installer Info: Details about the pump installer associated with the project, including name, business name, address, contact information, and email.


  • Add Note: Add notes related to the project. Remember to press 'Add' to save the note.
  • Edit/Delete/Highlight Notes: Options to edit, delete, or highlight existing notes.


  • Upload Files: Drag and drop files to upload documents or images related to the project.
  • View Files: View uploaded files in the project details.

To use the Project Details page effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Edit Project Details: Click on any field to edit the project details and press 'Save' to apply the changes.
  2. Navigate Through Tabs: Use the tabs (Main, Hazards, Site, WCRs, Activity) to access different sections of the project details.
  3. Add Notes and Files: Use the notes section to add important information and the files section to upload relevant documents.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to the user manual or contact our support team via the chat option.

Customer Rolodex Management

The Customer Rolodex allows you to manage contact information for vendors, builders, pump installers, and other relevant contacts. Below are the key functionalities available:

Rolodex List Page

  • Create New: Click the 'Create New' button to add a new contact to the Rolodex.
  • Search by Name: Use the search bar to find contacts by name, pump, builder, or other categories.
  • Sort by Last Updated: The list is automatically sorted by the last updated date to show the most recent entries first.
  • Contact List: Displays a list of contacts with columns for type, name, city, address, phone, and email.

Rolodex Detail Page

  • Type: Select the type of contact (Owner, Builder, Pump Installer) using the checkboxes.
  • Business Name: Enter the business name associated with the contact.
  • Primary Contact: Enter the first and last name, phone, and email of the primary contact person.
  • Add Contact: Add additional contact persons if needed.
  • Location Info: Enter the address, city, state, zip code, and GPS coordinates for the contact's location.
  • Billing Email: Enter the email address for billing purposes.
  • Map View: A map showing the contact's location with options to adjust the latitude and longitude.
  • Notes: Add any additional notes related to the contact.
  • Proposals: View related proposals and work orders associated with the contact.
  • Save Changes/Delete: Click 'Save Changes' to update the contact information or 'Delete' to remove the contact from the Rolodex.

To use the Customer Rolodex effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Add a New Contact: Click on 'Create New' to add a new contact. Fill in the required fields and click 'Save Changes'.
  2. Search for a Contact: Use the search bar to find a specific contact by name or category.
  3. Edit Contact Details: Click on a contact from the list to open the detail page. Make necessary changes and click 'Save Changes' to update the information.
  4. Delete a Contact: On the detail page, click 'Delete' to remove the contact from the Rolodex.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to the user manual or contact our support team via the chat option.


The Statistics page provides an overview of various metrics and data points related to jobs, billing, proposals, and well footage. Below are the key functionalities and data points displayed:

Job Statistics

  • Open Jobs: Displays the number of jobs currently open (approved, but not yet drilled).
  • Completed Jobs: Shows the number of jobs completed year-to-date.
  • Avg Daily New Proposals: Indicates the average number of new proposals per day for the current month.
  • Total Billed: Shows the total billed amount for the current year and the previous year.
  • Monthly Revenue / Driller Hour: Displays the revenue per hour for drillers for the last full month. (only available if you have employee hour tracking enabled)
  • Driller Hours: Select a driller to view their hours worked. (only available if you have employee hour tracking enabled)
  • Filter by Employee: Admins can filter data by specific employees.

Completed Jobs

  • Completed Jobs Chart: Toggle between a chart and table view for completed jobs data by month and year.
  • Data Table: Shows the number of jobs completed each month.

Number of Proposals

  • Proposals Chart: Toggle between a chart and table view for proposal data by month and year.
  • Data Table: Shows the number of proposals each month.

Billing (Admin Only)

  • Billing Data: Displays the total billed amount each month.

Well Depth Footage

  • Well Depth Chart: Toggle between a chart and table view for well depth footage data by month and year.
  • Data Table: Shows the well depth footage drilled each month.

Job Casing Footage

  • Job Casing Chart: Toggle between a chart and table view for job casing footage data by month and year.
  • Data Table: Shows the job casing footage each month.

$ Per Foot (Admin Only)

  • $ Per Foot Data: Displays the revenue per foot drilled each month.

$ Per Day (Admin Only)

  • $ Per Day Data: Shows the revenue per day for drillers each month, calculated based on an average of 21 workdays per month.

To use the Statistics page effectively, follow these steps:

  1. View Job Statistics: Review the open and completed jobs, average daily new proposals, and total billed amounts.
  2. Toggle Views: Switch between chart and table views for detailed data on completed jobs, proposals, well depth, and job casing footage.
  3. Filter Data: Use the employee filter to view statistics for specific employees (admin only).
  4. Analyze Billing Data: Access the billing section to review monthly revenue figures (admin only).

For more detailed instructions, please refer to the user manual or contact our support team via the chat option.

Geospatial Tracking

Our ERP software includes advanced geospatial tracking features to help you manage and monitor your projects efficiently. Below are the key functionalities available in the Geospatial Tracking section:

  • Job Map: The main interface for viewing all job locations on a map. Each marker represents a job or task with color-coded icons for different statuses and types.
  • Map/Satellite View: Toggle between the standard map view and satellite imagery to get a clearer understanding of the job locations and surrounding areas.
  • Filters: Use various filters to refine the displayed jobs:
    • By Employee: Filter jobs assigned to specific employees.
    • By Well Type: Narrow down the jobs based on the type of well.
    • By Drill Type: Filter by the type of drilling operation.
    • By Category: Select jobs based on predefined categories.
    • By Priority: View jobs by their priority level.
  • Show Only Work Orders: Toggle this option to display only the jobs that are currently active work orders.
  • Job Status Tabs: Switch between 'Open' and 'Completed' job tabs to view current or past job data.
  • Select by ID: Search and select jobs using their unique identifiers for quick access.

To use the geospatial tracking feature effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Job Map: Click on the 'Job Map' tab to open the geospatial tracking interface.
  2. Apply Filters: Use the filter options to narrow down the displayed jobs based on your criteria.
  3. Interact with the Map: Click on any job marker to view detailed information about the job, including its status, assigned employee, and other relevant data.
  4. Switch Views: Toggle between map and satellite views to get the best perspective of the job locations.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to the user manual or contact our support team via the chat option.
